HyaFilia Petit Biphasic Filler with Hyaluronic Acid, 1.0 ml.

HyaFilia Petit Biphasic Filler with Hyaluronic Acid, 1.0 ml.

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HyaFilia Petit Bi Phase Filler for Fine Wrinkles, 1.0 ml

5th generation fillers.

Hyafilia Petit - used to correct fine and superficial wrinkles.

Concentration: 20 mg / ml

Bulk ability: +++


- correction of nasolacrimal sulcus
- fine line wrinkles
- “crow's feet”
- perioral lines
- linear wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows
- lip contour correction

Guaranteed duration: 9 months.

Injection level: deep dermis.


• A high degree of cross-linking means that the length of the polymer chains between the BDDE ester bonds is quite small. This greatly complicates the biodegradation of the filler with hyaluronidase and is clinically manifested in an increase in the duration of the aesthetic effect. Compared to other biphasic fillers, the degree of cross-linking of HyaFilia preparations is the highest - over 6 mol /%.

• A high concentration of reticulated hyaluronic acid causes a sufficient duration of filler degradation, and accordingly increases the duration of the correcting effect. Generally indicated is the total concentration of HA — both stabilized and native. But the native HA in the bi-phase filler is biodegraded quickly enough and its amount does not affect the duration of the filler effect. In HyaFilia preparations, the concentration of total HA is 20%, the concentration of crosslinked HA is 17%, this is the maximum concentration for modern biphasic fillers.

• The optimal ratio of viscosity and elasticity of HyaFilia preparations, with high plasticity, allows to achieve the most predictable result. In the filler HyaFilia Petit, designed to correct the least pronounced wrinkles, viscosity (55.5 Pa) and elasticity (295 Pa) are minimal. With a small viscosity (71.6 Pa) and sufficiently high elasticity (357.8 Pa).

• The minimum amount of residual protein in HyaFilia preparations, in comparison with other HA-based fillers, allows minimizing the risk of allergic reactions.

• The ratio of gel and liquid phases in HA-based fillers determines such properties of the filler as the plasticity of the preparation, the severity and duration of the effect. HyaFilia preparations are much more plastic than monophasic preparations due to the presence of a liquid component (15%). At the same time, the number of reticulated GK (85%) is significantly higher than that of similar biphasic preparations, which increases the period of biodegradation of HyaFilia fillers. The liquid component of the preparations consists not only of the native HA, but also of the modified non-reticulated HA, which also prolongs the correcting effect of the fillers.

• The absence of free (residual) BDDE in HyaFilia fillers has been convincingly proven by chromatography of preparations. On the HyaFilia chromatography charts, the signs of BDDE are not detected. This indicates that the entire BDDE is associated with GK and HyaFilia fillers do not have a toxic load on the patient’s body.

• The minimum content of endotoxins in HyaFilia preparations (less than 0.25 EU / ml) also indicates a high safety of preparations.

• A high degree of swelling (4 ml / g) leads to an increase in the effectiveness of HyaFilia compared to other biphasic fillers.

• The value of the osmolarity of HyaFilia preparations is as close as possible to the osmolarity of the inter-gland fluid of a healthy organism (300 mOsm / kg). Accordingly, the introduction of HyaFilia is more easily tolerated by the patient and is less pronounced signs of inflammation (redness and swelling) than the introduction of similar fillers.


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Tags: fillers, filler, HyaFilia Petit, biphasic filler, hyafilia, Petit, hyaluronic acid, anti-wrinkle