Postprocedural hydrogel mask patch with beta glucan Beta Scaffold Mask.

Postprocedural hydrogel mask patch with beta glucan Beta Scaffold Mask.

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Amount: 1 pc

Mask patch for face and body, used to restore the skin with beta glucan 1,3 Beta Scaffold Mask

   After all invasive (injection) procedures for rejuvenation, the protective barriers of the skin are broken and this leads to the development of inflammatory processes, swelling, painful sensations in the area of ​​puncture and drug administration. Therefore, the use of such traumatic methods entails a certain period of rehabilitation.
In order to speed up the process of restoring the skin, it is necessary first of all to activate its natural ability to restore and its natural protective functions, as well as to improve the quality of the skin as a whole. In addition, it is desirable to extend the effect of the administered drugs and strengthen the result.
Therefore, cosmetic products based on beta glucans have become so indispensable in aesthetic medicine throughout the world. This is a group of natural active substances that are quite effective immunomodulatory agents and are widely used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. These drugs correct the instability of the immune system, which has been repeatedly confirmed by numerous clinical studies and experiments.
Features of the mask patch for the face and body lies in its ability to perfectly restore the skin after mesotherapy, injection and laser procedures. It has an unsurpassed cooling effect that can last up to two hours, even if the mask patch was not pre-cooled in the refrigerator.

Beta Glucan Patch Mask Beta Scaffold Mask


Beta-glucan1,3, which is part of the mask, adequately, that is, without excessive stimulation, activates local and systemic immunity to prevent the occurrence of autoimmune diseases. It protects the body against invasions of antigens and destroys foreign genetic materials that have already entered the body, restores immune homeostasis.
In addition, beta-glucan has a very positive effect on the skin. Excellent moisturizes, treats burns and scars after burns, increases the growth of fibroblasts, keratinocytes. Restores sun-damaged skin, brightens, fights wrinkles, participates in the synthesis of collagen in fibroblasts.
The mask has a gel consistency (thick hydrogel patch). It can be used for any zones - face, body, limbs. The mask patch has a condensed mass. It is soft, elastic, fairly easy to use, firmly adheres to the skin and is removed without much effort.

The mask does not contain artificial fillers. It consists of only natural hydrogel and beta glucan 1,3, therefore the mask does not irritate the skin.

1 pc
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Маска, как и патчи Dr.Hedison помогает мне, если я не выспалась. Палочка-выручалочка! Даже и представить себе не могла, что маска настолько может преображать лицо. Довольна, возьму еще на случай, когда времени мало, а выглядеть нужно хорошо.

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Tags: hydrogel mask, mask patch, regenerating mask, with beta glucan, Beta Scaffold Mask, Neogenesis