Men's Hair Care Features

  • Men's Hair Care Features

Beautiful thick healthy hair is the dream of any woman, and most men, it is a real gift of nature. But not all happy owners of the “lion's mane” manage to keep their hair healthy for many years. In order for thick hair to please its owner and cause sincere admiration of others, it is necessary to regularly and properly care for hair.
But when choosing shampoos and gels, one should not forget that men's hair differs from women's hair more than we used to think. In the stronger sex, they are not as thick as in women, each male hair does not fall out on average about 2-3 years.
Female hair is much more durable, each of them is held on the head for about 4-5 years, and the roots are 2 mm deeper than that of men. In addition, in women, hair grows much faster.
The sebaceous glands in men work much more actively, so the hair very quickly becomes oily and gets dirty. Female sebaceous glands most often do not work so actively, so the hairstyle retains freshness longer.
Usually, men have high levels of testosterone in the body, and it is this male hormone that is “to blame” for the fact that men lose hair faster. Although it should be noted that most women also part with a lush hair style with age.
It is for these reasons that men need to use hair-care products specially designed for them in order to prolong the joy of owning fluffy hair, not to lose it, and if necessary even restore it.
Today the market offers a huge number of various shampoos, gels, creams and masks. Using the right care products, you can achieve excellent results, especially if you act on the hair follicle both externally and internally, using the Minomax hair care complex, which consists of lotion, shampoo and vitamin complex aimed at enhancing hair nutrition at the cellular level. The composition of shampoo and lotion includes Palmetto - a hair growth stimulator, a powerful inhibitor of dihydrotestosterone, weakening the effect of testosterone on the hair roots, thereby stopping their loss and prolonging their lifespan.
Healthy nutrition and proper care - this is the key to a beautiful magnificent hairstyle, which will delight you and everyone around you for many years.

20/03/2020 22:41:57


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