Наши косметологи

  • Наши косметологи

Chernysheva Larisa Nikolaevna. Cosmetologist with higher medical education:

Private office, Kharkov, ul. Tchaikovsky 15, office 2

Contact phone: (067) -247-66-96

Proposed procedures:

- Carboxytherapy.

- Cleaning (mechanical, ultrasonic, combined).

- Mesotherapy of face and body.


Vorontsova Alena Vadimovna Cosmetologist:

Medical Center "DNA", Kharkov, ul. Bakulina, 31

Contact phone: (093) -664-67-27

Proposed procedures:

-Non-invasive carboxytherapy RIOX.

-Procedure "Mother of the bride", "Photoshop effect".

-Non-invasive carboxytherapy with collagen Estesophy carbonic.

-Non-invasive carboxytherapy Estesophy CO2 black bubble.

-Cream-mask for face shine Hedison Gold Caviar Mask with colloidal gold.

-Collagenic mask of premium class Collagen Recell Mask Dr.Hedison.

28/08/2018 13:30:42


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