Professional powder mask with Vitamin C and Activator Vitamin C Lifting Powder Mask Set, for 100 treatments

Professional powder mask with Vitamin C and Activator Vitamin C Lifting Powder Mask Set, for 100 treatments

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  • Brand: PRO YOU
  • Product Code: 11171700
  • Vendor code: 11171700

Powder Lifting Mask with Vitamin C and Activator (designed for 100 procedures)

The mask improves skin elasticity, smoothes, moisturizes and regenerates it. It has a brightening effect, gives the skin a healthy glow and shine. Especially recommended for dull skin care. The mask helps to nourish, tighten the facial contours, moisturize and saturate the skin with vitamins.

Collagen and Vitamin B2 maintain skin cleanliness and tighten pores. In addition, natural moisturizers keep the skin soft and supple, preventing its dryness. Exclusive activator is used in combination with a powder mask with a lifting effect, forms a synergy between arbutin and vitamin C and moisturizes the skin through such components as sorbitol, hyaluronic acid and collagen. Natural essential oil of orange balances the skin.

Professional Powder Lifting Mask with Vitamin C and Activator

Application: mix 1.5 scoops of powder and 4 ml. activator to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Apply with a brush on cleansed face and neck, (applying from the lower third of the face upward with bandage movements along the massage lines) in two layers, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips (eyes can be closed with a sponge moistened with an activator or tonic). After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask (after complete drying) soak with wet wipes, rinse with warm water. For all skin types.

The kit includes:
1. Powder lifting mask with Vitamin C, 400 g (500 ml)
2. Activator Vita Soothing Activator, 500 ml

The kit is designed for 100 procedures.

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этой маской удобно работать, имеет выраженный омолаживающий эффект, чудесный запах, все клиенты в восторге. также я брала ампулы, работала ими под микротоки, дермоштамп, рфлифтинг. могу рекомендовать.

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Здравствуйте, брала на пробу маску с витамином С!Что вам сказать,такого эффекта от неё даже не ожидала ни я ни клиентка!Ожидала что будет легкий эффект лифтинга,но даже приподнялись носогубки!

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Tags: face mask, powder mask, lifting mask, with vitamin C, professional mask, for dull skin, Vitamin C Lifting Powder Mask Set, Activator Vita Soothing Activator, Pro You