CC or BB cream? How to choose?

  • CC or BB cream? How to choose?

CC or BB cream? How to choose?

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of multi-tasking creams. Among them are creams with the abbreviation SS and BB. What is it what is the difference between them?

BB cream

 Not long ago, makeup artists mixed tonal and moisturizing creams in order to even out the tone and give care to the skin of the face.
 This is what gave impetus to the creation of BB-cream ("blemish balm", which means beauty-balm). The first such product appeared on the Korean market and further gained popularity around the world. BB cream includes corrective and caring components.

 However, they cannot completely replace the serum and moisturizer. But what they really do is to even out the skin tone without applying a thick layer. A lighter coating made BB-cream a very popular product among owners of oily skin, as it allows you to make more natural makeup without fear that the product will "float". Owners of dry skin were also satisfied, because bb-cream did not dry the skin.

 A very important advantage of cc-cream was its SPF sunscreen - without oiliness and stickiness.

 BB Cream is an improved version of foundation!

BB Cream Coating Texture

CC Cream

 CC-cream ("color correction" - color correction) is an advanced corrector with the effect of toning. Besides a slight tonal effect, they correct the skin tone (reduce the appearance of redness, pigmentation, spider veins, traces of acne.

 Since the texture and consistency of the SS creams are even lighter (they are called "weightless", "light as a veil", "transparent") - the owners of oily skin are happy again!

 CC-creams help correctors to perform their task, and not replace them. Basic correction of complexion and light coating, moisturizing - this is the main task of the SS-cream.

Adaptation of CC-cream to skin color
Similarity and difference between CC and BB creams?

  • Both provide additional skin care.
  • Both versions contain SPF protection from exposure to sunlight.
  • In the CC cream there are more components for face care than corrective (ideal as a concealer), and BB cream is more focused on tone correction.
  • BB-cream lays down evenly dense layer, moisturizes, therefore, is well suited for dry skin. SS-cream has a lighter texture and a light powdery effect, so it will appeal to owners of oily skin.
  • The BB version has a great corrective ability, but the SS perfectly adapts to the skin tone and looks as natural as possible. Often, CC creams have a white color, and microparticles of pigments are activated when applied to the face and adjust to the skin tone.

The similarity and difference between cc and ss-creams

Our findings are both worthy of attention. Choose the most suitable and use with pleasure)))

10/04/2019 11:58:57


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