Anti-aging serum with 100% pure collagen 200 (Carestory Collagen Ampoule 200), 10 ml.

Anti-aging serum with 100% pure collagen 200 (Carestory Collagen Ampoule 200), 10 ml.

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  • Brand: RAMOSU
  • Product Code: 10100400
  • Vendor code: 10100400

Serum with 100% pure collagen 200 (Carestory Collagen Ampoule 200)


How to achieve the fastest results on rejuvenation without surgical intervention and injections?

The RAMOSU Korean company has responded to this question.

100% pure Caramel Collagen 200 (Carestory Collagen Ampoule 200) Selection of cosmetologists for salon non-injectable use in 2015!

It gives the skin elasticity and youth, makes the skin smooth and tightens. Constricts pores and makes the skin elastic. Marine Collagen 200 from Ramosu, made from scales of sea fish and is able to make structural changes as efficiently as possible and stimulate the development of its own collagen by the body.

Patented production and preservation technology of the formula allows Collagen 200 to be used at home without any additional tools and cosmetology equipment.

Recommended for category 30+

The quality and purity of Collagen 200 from RAMOSU allows you to achieve results that are not inferior to injecting procedures. Verified by clinical trials and in practice by cosmetologists!

Сыворотка с 100% чистым коллагеном 200


Collagen is a highly effective regenerating and moisturizing agent. It launches the processes of restoring the structure of tissues and stimulates cell renewal, is well combined with biologically active substances, thus enhancing their useful qualities.

Collagen is 35% body protein and 70% protein in the skin.

Due to its structure collagen is able to stretch strongly. The thick layer of collagen gives the skin elasticity and elasticity.

During aging, collagen fibers lose moisture, especially on the skin around the eyes, mouth and forehead, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

Due to its high ability to bind water, collagen is used in cosmetics as a moisturizer that counteracts the loss of moisture in the epidermis. It can absorb water 30 times its own weight.

Scientists have discovered that collagen helps reborn skin cells, allowing new cells to quickly reach the skin surface.

In young skin, collagen fibers and glycosaminoglycan gel are constantly updated. But with age, the renewal of the intercellular substance of the dermis goes all the slowly, accumulated damaged fibers. In aging skin, collagen fibers become thicker, but their amount and elasticity decrease. As a result, the structure of the collagen matrix is ​​broken, the moisture content in the intercellular substance of the dermis decreases, and the skin loses elasticity and elasticity


  • after 35 years, the elasticity of the skin decreases due to the accumulation of inelastic collagen
  • The first signal that the development of collagen is broken is the appearance of non-limiting wrinkles
  • if nasolabial wrinkles have already been seen, it's time to start anxiety

Омолаживающая сыворотка с 100% чистым коллагеном 200




  • Preservation of moisture in the skin and additional moisture;
  • Elimination of signs of natural wilting of the skin (aging);
  • Remedies and protection against skin pigmentation;
  • Contributing to the generation and restoration of a collapsed structure of own collagen;
  • Skin upgrading with amino acids, peptides and oxygen;
  • Releasing skin from unwanted toxins and free radicals;
  • Contributing to the restoration of connective tissue after suffering trauma or plastic surgery;
  • Strengthening therapeutic action when applied in hardware cosmetology;
  • Strengthening the action of other components included in cosmetic products (synergistic effect);
  • Protection of the skin from aggressive environmental influences (sun, wind, water).


In modern cosmetics, three types of collagen are used: animal (made from cattle), vegetable (wheat protein) and marine (extracted from fish skin - Collagen 200).


Антивозрастная сыворотка с 100% чистым коллагеном 200


According to the latest research of the Association of Russian Cosmetologists, the cosmetic collagen of animal origin is least effective. Moreover, in some cases it may even worsen the condition of the skin.

- First of all, it has too large molecules and is not able to penetrate into the cells of the skin;

- Secondly, as a rule, this collagen is incompatible with human skin.

- Thirdly, skin cells can not "embed" in themselves a ready-made collagen. The same applies to elastin.

Vegetable collagen is well absorbed by the skin, but its extraction is much more complicated than the animal, so not all companies can afford high-tech production of plant collagen.

Molecules of marine collagen can be reorganized by immitating skin tissues. Getting into the skin, the molecules are assimilated due to excellent compatibility, because the marine collagen in its structure strongly resembles human collagen, and it is therefore the most effective for external exposure to the skin of the face out.


Collagen 200 from Ramosu, extracted from the scales of sea fish (Sea Collagen) and gives the best result for skin rejuvenation.


Benefits over competitors:

1. Does not contain flavors and oil-based additives, which in most cases are NOT useful. It has its own natural odor.

2. Do not stick! This saves you from discomfort. Insignificant stickiness caused by the collagen structure200 disappears immediately after absorption after 15-20 seconds after application. And in the case of using a mesoroller, collagen absorption by skin reaches 95%.

3. Has the most similar structure with human Collagen, which allows it to quickly react and form collagen fibrils between skin cells without disturbances and allergic reactions.


Usage options for home care:

Method 1 (maintaining skin elasticity): Apply 2-4 drops to the face on pre-cleaned skin. Collagen 200 can be used as a separate care product. It is recommended to apply to the areas of mimic wrinkles, under the eyes, to the eyelids.

Method 2 (Highly effective. Recommended): Applying 2-4 drops for a mesoroll rolling procedure. The best effect is comparable to the injection procedures.


Сыворотка с 100% чистым морским коллагеном 200


1. Do not use in case of itching, skin irritation

2. It is not recommended to use people who have a high sensitivity to the sun.

3. Do not use the remedy in places where there are wounds, eczema, inflammation and other skin damage.

Shelf life: 2 years. The expiry date is indicated on the bottle. Shelf life from the moment of opening 3 months.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry, cool place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature of +5 to +25 'C with a tightly sealed cap of the ampoule. Keep the product out of the reach of children.

Volume: 10 ml, 10 ml * 5 pcs.

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Сыворотка понравилась.Водянистая по консистенции,капаю капельку на палец и наношу на морщины.Сначала немного липкая,но потом впитывается и немного стягивает.Сверху наношу крем.

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Покупала сыворотку маме, так как косметологу она ходить не хочет. Она довольна - кожа подтянулась, морщинки стали менее видны.

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Использовала коллагеновую сыворотку курсом. Расход у нее маленький, мне хватило месяца на два. Наносила раз в день или через день на ночь перед кремом, кожа видимо подтянулась и уплотнилась.

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Сывороткой в принципе довольна, достойный продукт. Использовала полтора месяца на ночь под крем. Кстати отличный эффект,если наносить под маску. Кожа стала более нежной и подтянутой.

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Мне 34 года, сейчас нет очень выраженных морщин, но носогубные морщинки и на лбу, сеточка возле глаз беспокоят. Приобрела сыворотку: флакон запаян жестяным колпачком, в упаковке есть пипетка. Наношу по массажным линиям. Сыворотка достаточно жидкая, распределять ее комфортно. Пользуюсь с мезороллером. Сыворотка впитывается не мгновенно, чувствуется на лице несколько минут. Затем появляется ощущение натяжения кожи (лифтинг). Кожа разглаживается, освежается, поры сужаются. Чувствуется увлажнение. Морщинки разглаживаются, тональный крем их не подчеркивает. Буду покупать эту сыворотку еще!

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Tags: serum, collagen, rejuvenating, anti-aging, 30+, Carestory Collagen Ampoule 200, Ramosu