Regenerating serum with 100% purity mucin Ramosu (Carestory Snail Mucin Filtrate 100), 10 мл.

Regenerating serum with 100% purity mucin Ramosu (Carestory Snail Mucin Filtrate 100), 10 мл.

In Stock

  • Brand: RAMOSU
  • Product Code: 10100200
  • Vendor code: 10100200

Main characteristics All specifications
Обьем: 10 ml

Serum with filtrate of mucus (mucin) of snail 100%(Carestory Snail Mucin Filtrate 100)

In the mucus of the snails contains a unique mixture of the most rare substances: glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, glycoprotein enzymes, copper and antimicrobial peptides, as well as a set of trace elements. Such a cocktail is incapable of reproducing any modern cosmetic lab.

Сыворотка с муцином улитки 100%-й очистки

The ultrasonic secret, which in itself is a storehouse of natural ingredients essential to the skin. Smooth extract contains allantoin, collagen, vitamins A, C, E, B6 and B12, elastin, chitosan, protease enzyme, and glycolic acid.

Allantoin - adds resilience and smoothness to the skin, stimulates tissue regeneration, promotes healing of wounds and prevents the appearance of keloid scars.

Collagen and elastin retain moisture in the skin, creating a special barrier to its evaporation, and saturate the skin with oxygen.

Vitamin A (retinol) - has a pronounced anti-aging and depemmenting effect, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, improves the quality of the newly formed tissues. Reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands, which makes this component one of the most effective in controlling the manifestations of acne.

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant. It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, enhances the action of vitamin E and prevents the fragility of the vessels. In conditions of contaminated environment, skin especially needs this vitamin.

Vitamin E - protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, strengthens the natural protective barrier of the skin, stimulates the growth and renewal of skin cells.

Vitamin B6 - gives the skin elasticity and smoothness, helps in the digestion of beneficial substances. Vitamin B12 is a natural antihistamine. Eliminates manifestations of allergic reactions, urticaria, psoriasis, consequences of exposure to UV radiation.

Chitosan has the ability to retain moisture in cells.

Glycolic acid is a natural exfoliant, cleanses the sebaceous ducts, promotes the penetration of other active substances into the skin.


Usage options:

Method 1 (Optimal): Apply 2-4 drops of serum to the face on the pre-cleaned skin. The mucus filtrate of the snail can be used as a separate care product. It is recommended to apply to the areas of mimic wrinkles, under the eyes, to the eyelids.

Method 2 (High Efficiency): Apply 2-4 drops to the rolling procedure under the mesoroller. Maximum effect is achieved.

Shelf life: The expiry date is stated on the bottle. ATTENTION! The date is indicated in the year / month / day format. The actual batch is suitable until 17.01.29. The shelf life from the moment of opening of the ampoule is 3 months.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the nicotine mucus in high concentration (active components of the serum and their effects on the skin are indicated above).

Storage conditions: Store in a dry, cool, protected area from direct sunlight at temperatures from +5 to +25 'C. Keep the product out of the reach of children.

Volume of ampoules: 10 ml


10 ml
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Муциновой сыворотки мне хватило примерно на три недели, использовала каждый день 2 раза утром и вечером на очищенное лицо, затем наношу крем этой же фирмы: зеленая баночка. Результат мне нравится, очень довольна состоянием кожи!

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Для меня ампульная косметика - это было что то новое) А слизь улитки вообще продукт экзотический, но все-таки я сделала заказ и не пожалела. Сама ампула была запечатана, в комплекте шел белый колпачек-дозатор. Убрала с сыворотки железную защиту, сняла серого цвета резиновую крышку.Сверху одела белый колпачек. Концентрат ничем не пахнет, прозрачный. Консистенция жидкая, есть немного маслянистости - совсем чуть-чуть, едва уловимо. Капаю 3-5 кпелек на лицо, он легко распределяется, впитывается мгновенно. Увлажняет, матирует лицо, но не питает. Эффект увидела через неделю)

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Tags: serum for face regenerating, healing, restoring, rejuvenating, with mucin, with mucus filtrate, Carestory, Snail, Mucin, Filtrate 100, Ramosu