Look at 100 in the morning - simple tips.

  • Look at 100 in the morning - simple tips.

Simple tips for looking refreshed and breezy in the morning.

morning skin care

Each of us always wants to look good, but sometimes when we wake up, we don’t recognize our reflection in the mirror.

To avoid this situation, you can take light action:

  1.  Ventilate the room before going to bed, because fresh air is very good for the skin.
  2.  Be sure to clean your face in the evening - remove makeup! After all, the skin needs to rest.
  3.  If you like to sleep on your stomach - try to change this habit, so you stretch the skin and provoke the appearance of creases.
  4.  Eat food (including water) no later than 2 hours before bedtime. In this case, the excess fluid will have time to get out of the body in a natural way, and will not affect the bags under the eyes. Do not eat very salty foods.
  5.  Pamper your skin - take full care: protonize, apply serum, face cream. You can apply a nightly unremovable mask.
  6.  At bedtime, do not linger in front of the computer or TV. You can not wake up early, eyes in the morning will be swollen and tired.
  7.  It is advisable to sleep for about 8 hours, especially if you are over 30. A little sleep adversely affects the appearance and well-being. A lot of sleep is also not recommended.
  8.  Go to bed early (the body rests until midnight, one hour of sleep before midnight is 2 hours of rest after twelve).
  9.  Create an atmosphere of bedtime pleasant (you can put on beautiful clothes, make a clean bed). Positive emotions are very important for physical and psychological health!
  10.  In the morning, allow yourself to soak in bed. Without getting up, do a light massage with your fingertips, 3-minute facial gymnastics. So you wake up and increase blood circulation in the skin of the face. Do exercise.
  11.  Drink a glass of warm water immediately after waking up - the organism will understand that you woke up and the metabolism will accelerate within 20 minutes!
  12.  Remove patches under the eyes will help patches for the area around the eyes. You can use the "ice towel" - dip it in cold water and cover your face for a few minutes. Or wipe your face with ice.

All these little tricks will allow you to look fresh and attractive in the morning!

And what beauty secrets do you have?

08/05/2019 16:25:11


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