Little about alginate masks

  • Little about alginate masks

Alginate masks are universal, suitable for everyone, do not cause allergies.

They moisturize, tighten the contours of the face, relieve irritation, cleanse the pores, reduce wrinkles, refresh the complexion ...

How to use alginate mask

These masks are based on alginic acid, which is extracted from red and brown algae, and its salts. It has a hygroscopic property, that is, it is able to absorb a large amount of water and moisturize the skin while pulling out harmful substances. Stimulates the protective properties of the skin, retains moisture. Sodium alginate is mixed with water and turns into a gel rich in vitamins, minerals (this consistency makes it possible to reach the most hard-to-reach wrinkles and folds, nourishing and moisturizing the skin). Alginate salts contribute to the rapid hardening of the mask and make it elastic on the face.

Another major element of the mask is diatomite (rock, composed of algae residues), which is known for its unique adsorbing properties.

Today, alginate masks are produced not only in the form of powder for salon use, but also in finished form, which is very comfortable when using them at home.

How to carry out the procedure at home:

1. Clean the skin: wash with a cleansing foam, gel or facial milk. Make an easy peeling.
2. Use tonic.
3. Apply serum or nutrient emulsion. Alginate mask will enhance its action and contribute to a deeper penetration of active substances into the skin.
4. Dilute powder and water in a soft silicone bowl or use a ready-made mask. Quickly apply the mask with a spatula on the face (movements along the massage lines) to form a dense layer.
5. After a few minutes, the alginate mask thickens and plasticizes, becomes like rubber.
6. Keep the mask for 15-30 minutes.
7. Remove the mask from the bottom up (from the chin to the forehead). Remove residue with tonic.
8. Complete the procedure will help face cream.

Having tried once - you will love these masks forever! After all, the result of their use is visible immediately!

07/05/2019 17:30:59


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