Types of aging

  • Types of aging

Types of aging


Aging is a physiological process in the body. To slow down this process, it is necessary to take into account not only the problems of the skin and its type, but also morphological features.

Beauticians share skin aging in 4 types. There is the 5th type - mixed (combined).

Tired or gravitational type:

Considered the most successful option. Characteristic for women of thin build, with a diamond-shaped or oval face. In this type, the tone of soft tissues and muscles of the face is reduced, the skin is dull and dry. This leads to a rather early appearance of wrinkles, deepening of nasolabial folds, lacrimal sulci, omission of the corners of the mouth with the formation of wrinkles there. These changes give the face a tired, weary look.

gravitational type

Care instructions:

Small wrinkled type:

About these women say - "beautifully aged." They have a large number of small wrinkles, the skin is thin and dry, prone to irritation and redness. She has very little subcutaneous fat, but her muscles remain in good shape for a long time, thanks to which the structure of the face does not change.

Finely wrinkled type of aging

Care instructions:

Deformation type:

Often found in obese women. Due to the excessive subcutaneous fat layer, the contours of the face are deformed, “flecks” and folds appear in the neckline and on the neck. There are bags under the eyes, eyelids can hang. The skin becomes flabby, but pigment spots and wrinkles rarely appear. The skin is dense, often has a good color.

Deformation type of aging

Care instructions:

Muscular type:

This beautiful type of aging is characteristic of Asians. They have well-developed facial muscles, but subcutaneous fat is not enough. Pigmentation appears, corners of the lips descend, eyelids hang, nasolabial folds deepen. But at the same time, the oval of the face is not deformed and the skin remains smooth for a long time even in extreme old age.

Muscular skin aging

Care instructions:

Combined Type:

Often found in women with mixed skin types. Usually combined deformation and fine-wrinkled type or deformation and tired.
Soft tissues often sag in the middle and lower parts of the face, and many wrinkles appear in the forehead and eyes.

Combined skin aging

Care instructions:
In this case, it is difficult to give general recommendations, since with a combined type, a combination of different types of care is needed to correct the symptoms that are most pronounced.

Knowing what type of aging is peculiar to your skin, you will be able to determine where the changes will appear on your face and correctly select home care aimed at solving exactly these problems.

28/05/2019 14:59:39


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